Theresa Brownlee-Blake MA Counselling and Psychotherapy in Stroud & Online

Since my teens I have been interested in psychology and found Carl Jung to be a great inspiration. I had been curious as to the individual ways that I and my friends at the time responded to what was happening in our lives. I remember writing in my journal and slowly realising that my friends at the time, didn’t see me the way I saw myself and that realisation sent me on a exploratory quest which I am on to this day.

After doing many short courses in my late 30s I did a BA in English Lit and enjoyed very much the psychological aspect of literature and the insight it afforded me to the inner world of the characters. Then in my mid 50s I finally decided to do an MA in Psychotherapy, which I realised I had been moving towards since my teenage years but had not been ready to commit to until that time.

I am still very interested in the works of Carl Jung, who was my first inspiration, also the wisdom that emerges through dream work, Mindfulness and Buddhism. I find they all weave beautifully together and help me in my work with each individual to help them move towards becoming more fully themselves.

I work mostly from a psychodynamic perspective, influenced greatly by the transpersonal. I also work from an MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy) perspective, which includes CBT. I find this approach can be helpful when someone has a very specific issue that they feel needs more focused work.

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